- Portfolio | Amadeus Maximilian - really clean animations and micro interactions
- anh version noir - one of the most unique personal websites I’ve seen recently
- Can't Unsee - a fun little test to see how keen your eye is for design
- Motherfucking Website
- Standart Playing Cards - if you’re into coffee I would recommend checking out Standart magazine. They’ve just released these quirky coffee themed playing cards
- Monpoké - adorable Pokémon picture books for kids
Good reads
- 積ん読: The Japanese art of buying books and never reading them.
- You’re a Blogger, Not an Essayist - I am BARRY HESS
- A day in the life of Japan's most famous grandpa's hot dog shop. 今屋のハンバーガー ホットドッグ - this whole video was an absolute delight to watch
- Oatmeal comic - Why the mantis shrimp is my new favorite animal
- I recently rehomed a tortoise! Of course you can buy a Jurassic Park gate to put in an enclosure